Online Help

Online Help

Operation of the Web-OPAC portal is similar to that of other websites. This guide covers only the parts of the interface which are part of OPAC (catalogue search and user account functions).  


  • If you are using a mobile device to access the catalogue (i.e. a smartphone), you will automatically be shown a mobile version of the library page. Not all features listed in this guide are available on the smartphone. Core features such as the research and lending functions, however, are usually executable.
  • If you are logged into the library portal with your user name, but do not make any entries for a longer period of time, you will be logged out automatically by the system. Likewise, your search queries and results will be deleted if you make no entries for a given period of time.

Records search

Several search modes are available, which are discussed below. After a search in the records inventory, a list of results is displayed. In this results list you can see record details; the results list is the same for all search modes.

Note: Depending on the search field, “Search the Library Website” will be available in addition to the “Search the Library Catalogue”. In this case, you will have the fields “catalogue” and “website” to choose from. Select the desired option before performing a search. 

Search Tips

Search using multiple keywords

If you enter multiple words, the results list will display all titles containing at least one of the search terms. If you wish for all terms to appear in the title, you can add the AND parameter or + sign, eg:

  • +dog +cat
  • dog and cat 

Upper- and lower-case letters

Regardless of the search mode, the system always searches all combinations of a word with respect to upper and lower case letters. It is thus unnessesary to pay attention to case when entering a search term.


Special text

Special characters such as accents, umlauts and the ? sign are included in the catalogue search and can thus be used when entering a search term.
The following notations can be used alternatively, each yielding the same results:

  • André/ Andre
  • Schloß/ Schloss
  • Wüste/ Wueste


Use of wild-card characters

You can use wild-card characters to conduct a search in which you want to use the beginning of a word only, or if you wish to define certain letters as variables. A wild card represents any number of characters. In the Web-OPAC Portal, you can use the * (asterisk) wild card, e.g.:

Search term „Heidelberg“

  • Word ending: heidel* will yield the results „Heidelberg“, „Heidelbeere“ (trans. „blueberries“) as well as the author „Heidel“
  • Word beginning: *berg will yield „Heidelberg“ as well as „Bamberg“ or „Zauberberg“ (trans. „Magic Mountain“)
  • Middle of the word: h*berg will yield both „Heidelberg“ and „Herrenberg“


Using the „Fuzzy Search“

The catalogue search automatically offers the “Did you mean...?” function, which generates a selection of alternative search terms. If you already wish to include similar terms before starting your search, utilize the “Fuzzy Search” function. To do this, enter the search term followed by a wave ("tilde"): ~. This search form is particularly useful if you do not know the exact spelling of a term.
For example, if you do not know the spelling of "Aboriginal people", enter the following approximate spelling in the search box in order to get all the hits for "Aboriginal" (German: "Aborigines"): arborichines~  

Performing a Simple Search 

Depending on the library offerings, a simple field for searching the catalogue is available on the Records Search page or in the header.
Proceed as follows:
1. Navigate to the page containing the search box, or use the search box in the navigation bar.
2. Enter a search term in the box.
3. Click on “Search” or on the search icon or press Enter (Enter). Results list is displayed.

Note: The search function offers an auto-complete of your search terms. If you enter at least the first three characters of the term, you will open a list of suggestions. If you want to select a suggested term, simply click on it.   

Performing an Advanced Search

The Advanced Search function enables you to conduct a differentiated search according to several criteria. It searches through the same data as a simple search. The results list is organized in the same manner in both search types.

Proceed as follows:
1. Navigate to the Advanced Search page
2. Enter the desired input into the given fields.

Search Entries

You may choose from the following search criteria from the selection list:

  • keyword
  • title
  • author
  • subject type
  • tags

Then, enter the search term in the box next to the appropriate list. Enter, for example, "Faust" for a title.
You can also decide whether the terms entered must all occur in a record or not. Simply click on the drop down menus on the left side of the search options “and”, “or” or “not”.

Other search criteria

The following criteria are available:

  • Acquisitions of the past days: Acquisition date of the latest acquired record.
    For instance, enter the digit 30 to search for the records which have been acquired during the last 30 days.
  • Year from... to: year in which the record was released.
  • Enter a time period in which to search by typing the earliest year in the first field and latest year in the second field.
  • Media group: Group to which the record is assigned to the library, such as a book, CD or magazine.
  • Select the value from the selection list.
  • Branch: location where the record is to be found. Select a value from the list, such as “bookmobile”.

3. If you wish to display only items available in the results list, select the check box available records.
4. Click Search to perform the search. A results list will be generated.

To return from the results list to the Advanced Search, click on the Search Results page.


  • If you would like to conduct a new Advanced Search, delete your entries in the search fields by clicking Empty Search Fields.
  • The given search fields may vary according to library
  • The search function offers auto-complete. When you enter at least the first three characters of a term, a list with suggestions will open. Simply click on a term to select it.

Using the Results List

After every search request you will receive a results list. This is organized into two columns:

  • in the left window area: filter functions
  • in the middle and right window areas: list view of the records

The records found will be listed with with covers and summary data. If several matches are found, the results list is divided into several pages. You can scroll back and forth with the arrow symbol.
The results list provides the following:

Title and Subtitle
The title is formatted as a link. Click on the title of a record to display the detail view.

Cover illustration
Clicking on the cover image will take you to the relevant entry of the cover provider (Amazon or MVB). If, instead of a cover, only a symbol is displayed, no link has been provided.

Bibliographical information
In addition to the title, you will also receive the following information, the given fields may vary according to library:

  • Author
  • Media Features
  • Year
  • Publisher
  • Parent work
  • Volume
  • Series
  • Media group

Status of copies
The status is displayed in the right-hand area of the results list, where you will find, depending on the status of the information, "available" or "unavailable". When you click on its icon, additional information about the medium opens on the corresponding line in the existing results list.
This contains the following data:

  • Branch (place where the record is located)
  • Location (exact location within this library)
  • Status (available or not available)
  • Number of existing reservations
  • Loan period (if this is not available, then date until which the copy is on loan)

Tip: The catalogue automatically offers you search suggestions that are similar to your entry („Did you mean...?“) above the results list. Even if no match is found, you can select one of these terms-- for example, when you want to correct a typo in the word. Click on the desired term to conduct a search for it.

Sorting results
The results list is sorted according to relevance by default.
You can change the sort order by using the drop-down menu at the top of the results list. Choose from the following options:

  • Relevance: The search engine will use various algorithms to sort records according to their relevance to your search term
  • Title: Title of the record
  • Author: Author of the record
  • Year: publication year of the record

If you click on an entry in the selection list, the result list is immediatedly re-sorted again. To define the sorting chronology, click on the icon next to the selection list. This allows you to sort by ascending or descending order.

Filtering results
The filter function on the left side allows you to filter the results to make them more clear. With this function, only those matches are displayed which correspond to the selected filter criteria.
For example, you can use the following filters:

  • Authors (eg, the author, musician, editor)
  • Year
  • Publisher (publisher's name and place of publication)
  • Media group (eg, CD) and Media Features
  • Subject type (eg, family, picture book)
  • Branch libraries

The filters are not typically completely displayed. If you would like all available values to be shown for a filter criteria, click the arrow icon to reveal the whole list. The given fields may vary according to library

Proceed as follows to filter the results list:

1. Select a filter criterium by clicking in the box, for example, for the criterium Year in the box 2011. You will receive a reduced results list of records from the year 2011.
2. If you would again like a longer list of results, you can remove the filter by de-selecting the corresponding box.

Note: Only filter criteria which are relevant to the results list are available. For example, if no book from the year 2011 appears in the results list, then this year will not appear in the filters. Additionally, filter criteria may vary according to library.

Printing the results list

You can print the list of your search results. A printer function is available to you for this purpose, which will generate a printer-friendly layout. Proceed as follows to print your results list:

1. Click on the printer icon at the top of the list. A window will appear where you can choose whether the entire results list or only an given part should be printed.
2. Choose the desired option by selecting from the options “Current view” or “All results”
3. Click on OK to continue with printing. A new window with the printer view will open.
4. Click on print to send the indicated content to the printer. This will open a standard Windows window for printing, where you can select the printer and adjust the printer settings before printing.
5. Click on OK to start printing.

Note: You must allow pop-ups in order to let the print window open in a new window. If necessary, the browser will display a message to this effect, through which you can allow pop-ups for this site without having to change your general browser settings.

Saving the results list as a permanent link

You can create a link for the generated results list which you can save to your internet bookmarks and elsewhere.  Simply click on the link icon at the top of the results list (Permalink). It will display a window with the link, which you can save to your clipboard using Select and Copy (CNTRL+C). Paste the link in the desired location.

List of new acquisitions with the permanent link

With the help of the advanced search you can create lists of new acquisitions. Enter a term for the field "Acquisitions of the past days", conduct the search and save the search request: Click on the link icon (Permalink) at the top of the results list, save the link to your clipboard using Select and Copy (CNTRL+C) and integrate it afterwards into a text module such as Nuntio Content. Now you can conduct this search request anytime.

Recommending results list per e-mail

To forward the results list via e-mail to interested parties, click on the mail symbol above the list.  This will open a window in which you will need to make the following entries:

  • The recipient's e-mail address
  • Your name
  • The subject and content of the message

After entering this information, click on Send E-mail; the message will then be delivered. 

Record Details: Using the Detail Display

You will find the detail display by clicking the title of an item from the results list.
The detail display of an item contains the following information, the given search fields may vary according to library:

  • Title
  • Sub-title
  • Author
  • Media Features
  • Year
  • Publisher
  • Parent work
  • Volume
  • Series
  • Media group

Additionally, you will find the following information. The fields may vary according to library:

Copies - you will receive the same information as in the copy view in the results list:

  • Branch
  • MEKZ
  • Locations
  • Shelfmark colour
  • Loan period
  • Bin
  • Status
  • Reservations
  • Due date
  • Lending note
  • Branch (processed)
  • Barcode
  • Media group
  • Shelfmark
  • Location 2
  • Location 3

Content - brief content summary of the record

Details - you will receive the following data, if relevant and maintained in the data records:

  • ISBN (international standard book number)
  • Second ISBN
  • ISSN (international standard serial number for periodicals)
  • Links, shelfmark, description, subject type, age certification, series, tags, parties involved, language, original title, footnote

BibTip - recommendations of other, similar media if available and if offered as a service from the library

LibraryThing - book reviews, LibraryThing-Tags, recommendations of other, similar media if available and if offered as a service from the library

If your library allows it, you can reserve the record in the detail view if it is not currently available. To do this, you must be logged into your account. For more information, see chapter "Loan Functions” in this manual. 

Storing record information as a permanent link

You can create a link for the current display of the medium that you can save to your Internet bookmarks or elsewhere. Simply click on the link icon (Permalink) at the top of the detail view. It will display a window with the link which you can save to your clipboard using Select and Copy (CNTRL+C). Paste the link in the desired location.

Printing record information

You can print the information of the record currently being viewed. A printer function is available to you for this purpose, which will generate a printer-friendly layout. Proceed as follows:

1. Click on the printer icon at the top of the list. A window will appear where you can choose whether the entire record information or only an given part should be printed.
2. Choose the desired option by selecting from the options “Current View” or “All Results”
3. Click on OK to continue with printing. A new window with the printer view will open.
4. Click on print to send the indicated content to the printer. This opens a standard Windows window for printing, where you can select the printer and adjust the printer settings before printing.
5. Click on OK to start printing.

Note: You must allow pop-ups in order to let the print window to open in a new window. If necessary, the browser will display a message to this effect, through which you can allow pop-ups for this site without having to change your general browser settings.


Recommending record information per e-mail

To forward the record information via e-mail to interested parties, click on the mail symbol above the detail view.  This will open a window in which you will need to make the following entries:

  • The recipient's e-mail address
  • Your name
  • The subject and content of the message

After entering this information, click on Send E-mail; the message will then be delivered.

Recommending record information over Facebook

To recommend the record information you are currently viewing to interested parties over your Facebook profile, click on the Facebook symbol over the detail display. This will open a window with the Facebook Login screen. To log into Facebook, enter your Facebook user data and confirm your entry. Facebook will then display a recommendation on how you should be transferred to Facebook. Confirm this in order to complete the recommendation.

Note: Facebook and its features are external to the portal site of the library. The library portal has no influence on these functions nor the use of the data that you enter on the corresponding pages.

Recommending record information over other social networks

To recommend the record information you are currently viewing to interested parties over other social networks, click on the plus symbol (bookmark/ pass on) above the detail information. This will open a window displaying a selection of social networks and other services. Click on an entry to be led to it.  This will open a new browser window in which you can log into the desired site.

Note: The social networks and their features are external to the portal site of the library. The library portal has no influence on these functions nor the use of the data that you enter on the corresponding pages.

Account Functions

Every registered library patron can use the library portal, not only for researching media but also for viewing his/ her user account. Click on Login (in the upper part of the side area) in order to sign in using your user name (ID number) and password.

Displaying User Account

If you are a patron of the library, the user account will open directly after you log onto the portal. If you would like to manually call up the account, click on the appropriate link in the portal navigation (for example, “My Library”)

The user account contains the following information in the upper area:

  • Personal data
    Name, address, telephone, mobile, ID validity
  • Message window
    If relevant messages have been written for you by the library team or the system, you can read it in the message window.

In the lower area, the user information contains an overview with the following tabs:

  • Records on loan
    An overview of the records that are loaned out to your account, including the due date. You can also extend the loan period in this tab. To do this, select the box next to the desired record and click on extend record loan. If you would like to check all boxes at once, select  the box above the list.
  • Reserved records
    An overview of all records you have reserved, including the status. Records that are ready for pickup will be listed in their own table.
  • Onleihe
    An overview of your Onleihe records, including the status. This tab is only shown if your library has enabled this functionality.
  • Interlibrary loans
    An overview of your interlibrary loans, including the status. This tab is only shown if your library has enabled this functionality.
  • Fees
    An overview of fees per record saved to your account, including fee type and amount. At the end of the overview, you will see the total amount. The total amount is calculated from the negative fees and your payments.
  • Watchlist
    An overview of all items you have added to this list. You can also clear the watchlist as well as remove items from the list.

Tip: You can sort the reservations and records on loan lists by clicking on the column title (for example, “Due Date”). The titles will be sorted according to due dates in this case.

Using Account Functions

You can change your personal data and your password as well as renew your ID card in your user account.
Note: This function is only available if the library has enabled it.

Printing User Account
Click on the “Print” icon in the upper area of the user account display in order to call up the printer function. It will open a window with the following options:

  • Entire user account (all data including records and fees)
  • Selection
    • Records on loan
    • Reservations
    • Onleihe (if your library has enabled this functionality)
    • Interlibrary loans (if your library has enabled this functionality)
    • Fees
    • Watchlist

Select the desired option and click on Print. You will then see a print preview. Clicking on the Print button will bring you to a standard Windows window for printing. Here you can start printing by clicking OK

Managing User Account

If your library has enabled this function, you can change your personal information and password as well as renew your ID card. These functionalities can be accessed via “Change Personal Data”, “Change Password” and “Renew ID Card”
For questions regarding this functionality (for example, regarding potential fees), please contact your library.

Using Loan Functions

If your library has enabled this functionality, you can reserve records, cancel record reservations and extend record loans in the Web portal.

Detail view of a record: click on reserve to reserve the record.

User Account:

  • Tab Records On Loan: Select the records and use the function Extend Record Loan
  • Tab Reserved Records: Select the records and use the function Delete Reservations

For questions regarding this functionality (for example, regarding potential fees), please contact your library. 

OPAC-Portal by OCLC GmbH