Loan period renewal

You can find instructions for the renewal of the loan period here: Loan period renewal

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Please notice:

  • Should the renewal of the loan period not be possible due to a technical malfunction, you still have to pay the fine. Renew the loan period early enough, that you can call us in case of a malfunction. You can reach us during our opening hours under: 0651 / 718 - 2422
  • Faulty operation from your site also doesn't prevent the payment of the fine.
  • While using the OPAC the following user conditions apply:
    - Reservation of media: 1,50 €

We recommend:

  • To make sure the renewel of the loan period was successfull, log out of your accaunt and log in again.
  • If you see the new return date, then your renewal did work correctly. You can also make a printout of your account.