You can find the complete media inventory of our library and all electronic media (eBooks, eAudio...) from the Onleihe Rheinland Pfalz and movies from filmfriend. If you are a holder of a valid library card you can access the media of the Onleihe and filmfriend without any further costs.
Enter your search in the field "Your search..." and klick on the magnifier. Alternativly you can also use the Enter button on your keyboard.
Self Service:
If you want to renew the loan period of media, please select the "My Account"-Button and log-in into your account. You can also search for or reserve media.
Please note: While using the OPAC the following user conditions apply:
- Renewal loan period for PC-/Video Games, Opera-DVDs: 1,50 €
- Reservation of media: 1,50 €
You can find further information in our use statute (in German only).
Due to maintenance, the OPAC and Onleihe are offline daily from 23.30 h - 00.00 h!