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The Bone People

Author: Search for this author Hulme, Keri (author)
Statement of Responsibility: Keri Hulme
Year: 1986
Publisher: London, Picador


BranchLocationsStatusReservationsDue dateLending note
Branch: Palais Walderdorff Locations: 16 Englisch Hulme / 1. OG Roman-Abteilung Status: available Reservations: 0 Due date: Lending note:


Kerewin's cocoon is rudely blown away by the sudden arrival during a rainstorm of Simon, a mute six-year-old whose past seems to hold some terrible trauma. In his wake comes his foster-father Joe, a Maori factory worker with a nasty temper.
The narrative unravels to reveal the truths that lie behind these three characters, and in so doing displays itself as a huge, ambitious work that tackles the clash between Maori and European characters in beautiful prose of a heartrending poignancy.


Author: Search for this author Hulme, Keri (author)
Statement of Responsibility: Keri Hulme
Medium identifier: ee
Year: 1986
Publisher: London, Picador
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Classification: Search for this systematic 16
Subject type: Search for this subject type Englisch
ISBN: 9780330293877
Description: 19. [Auflage], 450 Seiten
Tags: Abgeschiedenheit, Beziehungskonflikt, Fabrikarbeiter, Frau, Gesellschaft, Junge, Maori, Misshandeltes Kind, Neuseeland, Neuseeländer, Pflegekind, Pflegevater, Stummer, Trauma, Traumata
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Language: Englisch
Footnote: Vorwort, Glossar
Media group: Dichtung