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Author: Search for this author Harris, Robert
Statement of Responsibility: Robert Harris
Year: 2018
Publisher: London, Arrow Books


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Branch: Palais Walderdorff Locations: 16 Englisch Harris / 1. OG Roman-Abteilung Status: available Reservations: 0 Due date: Lending note:


Altersempfehlung ab 16 Jahren
Hitler is determined to start a war. Chamberlain is desperate to preserve the peace. They will meet in a city which forever afterwards will be notorious for what is about to take place. As Chamberlain’s plane judders over the channel and the Fuhrer’s train steams south, two young men travel with their leaders. Former friends from a more peaceful time, they are now on opposing sides. As Britain’s darkest hour approaches, the fate of millions could depend on them - and the secrets they’re hiding.


Author: Search for this author Harris, Robert
Statement of Responsibility: Robert Harris
Medium identifier: ee
Year: 2018
Publisher: London, Arrow Books
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Classification: Search for this systematic 16
Subject type: Search for this subject type Englisch
ISBN: 978-1-7847-5185-2
Description: Paperback edition, 434 pages : map
Tags: Verhandlungen, Vertrauensbruch, Widerstandskämpfer, Spionage-Thriller, Spionage, Rechtschaffenheit, Privatsekretär, Premierminister, Polit-Thriller, Politiker, Mussolini, Benito, Münchner Abkommen, München, Loyalität, Konferenz, Hochverrat, Hitler, Adolf, Geschichte 1938, Diplomat, Delegation, Daladier, Édouard, Chamberlain, Arthur Neville, Politthriller, Münchener Abkommen, Daladier, Edouard, Chamberlain, Neville, Spionagethriller
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Language: en
Media group: Dichtung