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A portrait of the artist as a young man

Auteur: Search for this author Joyce, James
Responsabilité: James Joyce
Année: 2014
Maison d'édition: Literizon
Réservable: Oui Non
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This is James Joyces first novel, the semi-autobiographical story of a young Irish boy who struggles with family, country, and religion to become an artist and a man.


Auteur: Search for this author Joyce, James
Responsabilité: James Joyce
Type de document: evm
Année: 2014
Maison d'édition: Literizon
Classement: Search for this systematic *DL
Sphère d'interêt: Search for this subject type Englisch
Description: 542 Min.
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Langue: Englisch
Media group: eAudio